Terms of service

Users of this site agree to the following terms

Resources listed on the website yourkeyforward.com are shared as a courtesy and should not be considered recommendations or endorsements. Information shared in blogs or elsewhere on this site shall not be misconstrued as advice or treatment. Information shared within yourkeyforward.com, social media accounts associated with Shelby McGuire Canlas Coaching and Consulting services, or any resources mentioned within any of the aforementioned locations are not necessarily appropriate for all audiences. User assumes all responsibility.

Shelby McGuire Canlas offers services solely as a personal and professional coach and consultant and not as a mental health provider. Personal and professional coaching and consulting should not be misconstrued as any form of mental health treatment, counseling, psychotherapy, or life advice-giving. Please consult your provider for individualized treatment recommendations.

Linked resources (e.g. books, websites, products, professional services) listed on yourkeyforward.com may contain an affiliate or referral code. Clicking on an affiliate/referral link may result in the site owner receiving a small monetary compensation (e.g. Amazon Associates, ZipRecruiter). Shelby McGuire Canlas does not otherwise have any endorsement relationships with affiliate resources and is not paid to promote any professional's services or company's product(s). Again, any mention of a resource is meant as a courtesy to the public and it is the individual's responsibility to determine if such product/resource/professional is reputable and appropriate for that individual. While affiliate compensation is small, it contributes to offsetting the cost of maintaining these websites. Shelby McGuire Canlas makes no claims of any sort on the resources and information mentioned on this website or any of its affiliated social media outlets.

The terms and costs of Shelby McGuire Canlas’s personal and professional coaching and consulting services are not contained within this website. Such terms and costs are contained within a written Coaching Agreement that is sent to each client prior to entering into a coaching/consulting relationship and must be agreed to in writing. Information on this website is intended to be written in generalized language as a courtesy to prospective clients and does not guarantee/outline the precise content of a coaching/consulting relationship entered into with Shelby McGuire Canlas. Each client's coaching or consulting plan is individualized per that client's needs and agreed to by both parties early on in the professional relationship. Information on this website makes no guarantees of efficacy/results of the coaching/consulting services provided by Shelby McGuire Canlas. Clients are fully responsible for all decisions made in their personal/professional lives, and Shelby McGuire Canlas makes no claims or guarantees.

Information shared via electronic means should under no circumstances be considered 100% private, confidential, or secure. Users/clients are asked to refrain from submitting private, sensitive, or confidential information via electronic contact form, email, client portal, or any other form of electronic communication or telecommunication if they have any concerns about the security and confidentiality of their information. The site yourkeyforward.com is maintained on the Squarespace platform and hosted by Squarespace. Squarespace has set forth their own terms of use agreements that are available to users should any questions arise about security and confidentiality associated with the use of this website.

Information currently or previously contained on yourkeyforward.com may change at any time without notice and therefore should not be considered current, accurate, or binding. Users may click here to contact Shelby McGuire Canlas directly with any questions or by email at shelby@yourkeyforward.com.